October 23, Sunday Service

Oct 23, 2022

Authenticity is all the rage when it comes to business or leadership values. So much so that it has become one of the most hated buzzwords of the last few years. The reason that it is hated so much is because employees or contractors don't see it as anything more than a statement. In other words they hear it said but don't see it lived out. It exists only as a marketing ploy.

But authenticity, being real, is far more important and valuable than marketing. Being real is freeing, empowering and is what we seek in others. As we unpack the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians on Sunday this is exactly what Paul wants to show us. But Paul's message comes with a twist... If you are being real, who are you really? Explore who you are this week as we look into God's word and discover what is true!